Change Your Environment One Light at a Time
The history of electric lighting is extremely interesting and layered. Photographers, set designers, music venues and movie makers have been at the technical forefront of lighting scenes, performances and photographs with complete purposeful control, ensuring that the mood was exactly they way they wanted it to be. Some of the earliest light bulbs were so bright that people used to wear sunglasses inside of their homes and cultural events. Some cities like Austin and San Jose installed "Moonlight Towers" that were so bright that people couldn't sleep properly and they altered the sleep habits of the entire town.
One of the most important things to consider and overlooked by marketing professionals is how light is used in the experiences we create. The first thing to notice when you enter a space is how it is lit. Harsh lighting can kill the vibe immediately. Too dark or too many new bright white energy efficient light bulbs are an experience killer. When you have bright light beaming down from above you create an oppressive situation right from the start and this causes a visceral reaction that can turn people off. The key is to determine what vibe you want to instill and build a custom lighting experience based off of that particular vibe, mood, feeling and purpose.
Electric lightning has certainly been a world changing technology that is currently going through another renaissance thanks to LED lighting. From retail displays, set designs, in-homes, restaurants, cars, buildings, watches, toys, bridges, music venues, art installations, events, airplanes, airports and even hulahoops - almost everywhere you can think of LED lighting is popping up, except for one place that needs them the spaces.
According to a new study by PSFK, lighting installations are a key aspect of "The Future of Design" and millennials expect their environments to be more playful and foster interaction and collaboration .
"Installations like these around the globe are important in forging greater human connections, and the benefits can be seen in everything from public spaces to workplaces to retail environments."
As we build new experiences and connect with one another on a human level, lighting design should be a key component of the strategy and not something added in at the end.
Now let's get started... first up... long fluorescent tube bulbs in offices...