Leveraging editorial assets

Below are 35 questions to ask yourself about leveraging media and editorial assets in the digital space. This is a list compiled from a number of sources as well as my experience in the space. I hope you find them useful and if you have any comments or builds on them please feel free to share with us. 1. How clear are you on your most pressing business challenge and the role of digital to address it? 2. How well do you understand the impact of your current/previous digital work (e.g. website results, share of search) 3. How aware are you of your competitor's activity online (search advertising, PR, social media programs?) 4. How well do you understand social/technology trends impacting your brand online 5. Is your website leveraged as your brand hub via holistic inclusion of all other digital touchpoints? 6. Are you leveraging opportunities to distribute your content to other places where your people are receptive (i.e. rss, content syndication models)? 7. Do you enable a sense of community amongst people? 8. Have you attached all of your press releases to your website? a. Including all of your PR assets, logos, videos, photos of your influencers, products and program details 9. Are PR placements included on your site? 10. Is the newsroom built in such a way (example: blogging software) that allows the PR team to update easily and often without the assistance of others 11. Are you familiar with how peoples are searching for your products? 12. Have you conducted key phrase research to identify how people search for your products or competitive products? 13. Have you identified key search engines and sites that your consumer is frequenting? 14. When submitting press releases via PR Newswire are you hyperlinking key phrases back to your website? 15. Are your releases written in a consumer friendly voice that lends itself to how people search and speak about things naturally 16. Does your editorial strategy include sites such as yahoo.com, aol.com, etc. 17. Does your blogger outreach plan include customized messaging for your audience? 18. Are you utilizing monitoring tools such as BuzzLogic to identify the influential bloggers in your space to build the most targeted outreach lists possible 19. Are you bringing bloggers from the outside into your process and offer them something unique and valuable for their readers 20. Are you utilizing tracking tools such as BuzzLogic and Radian 6 to establish benchmarks for successful blogger outreach 21. Do you understand what people are saying inside of the comments of the blog posts and addressing them as appropriate to ensure that the right messages are being propagated 22. Is your B-Roll optimized to be embedded into blogs, YouTube and other video sharing social media site? 23. Are your commercials on YouTube? 24. Are digital assets available for people to use? 25. Are all assets housed and avail in one online area? 26. Does your brand exist within the social media arena? 27. Does your brand offer value based exchanges with your fans? 28. Are you tracking user generated content currently out there? 29. Are you leveraging social media to communicate updates/events and product recommendations? 30. Are you leveraging existing videos or creating new content ex: how-to videos? 31. Do you have an official Online Community Manager position on your team and is an active and expert in Social Media communities 32. Are Consumer Relations testimonials being shared online? 33. Are you linking them back to your press room in a timely fashion and actively engaging the consumer to express gratification 34. Are you monitoring sites like Twitter to see what testimonials are being shared 35. Do you have a Digital Word of Mouth Service to amplify your PR and Social Media Efforts? What are your questions?


And remember...keep smiling


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