If I were a brand right now…

If I were a brand right now, I wouldn’t try to sound human. I’d be human.
That would shape how I speak, how I listen, how I show up, and how I lead.
Not just outwardly, but at every level, from the inside out.

I wouldn’t just react to trends or try to hack culture. I’d focus less on what the algorithm wants and more on what people actually need.

Because in this moment, being human isn’t a tone of voice. It’s a way of operating.

I would speak clearly, drop the corporate speak and avoid the temptation to polish everything until it loses its meaning. I wouldn't hit the "Rewrite with Ai Button". I’d speak like a real person to real people. With clarity. With purpose. With honesty.

People can tell when a brand is faking empathy or wrapping confusion in clever language. I’d be real. Even when it’s uncomfortable. Especially when it’s uncomfortable.

I would listen. Really listen. Not just for insights. Not just for trends. Not just for mentions. I’d listen to how real people talk about the brand. Employees, partners, customers, even critics. I’d pay attention to the words they use when no one’s asking them to write a testimonial. In support tickets, in Slack threads, in DMs, in forums, in everyday conversations.

Because in those places, I’d find the truth. That truth, raw, unfiltered, and human, would become the foundation of how I position myself. Not a brand story generated by an AI prompt. Not something assembled in a boardroom, but the real voice of the people I serve and work alongside. That’s where the brand lives. That’s where meaning lives. So I’d treat listening as an ongoing act of humility, not as a research phase to move past but as a core habit of how I operate.

I’d create places and processes where people feel safe to speak, be heard, and engage meaningfully. I’d build systems and stories that respect people’s time, diversity of experiences, and intelligence.

I would make decisions rooted in discernment, not just data. AI would help me see patterns. But it wouldn’t replace judgment. I’d pause before automating decisions that affect people. I’d ask the human question every time: What does this feel like on the other side? When the answers weren’t clear, I wouldn’t default to convenience and efficiency. I’d default to integrity.

I would protect nuance. I wouldn’t oversimplify who people are, what they believe, or what they need. I’d be comfortable in the gray. I’d resist the pressure to always have the perfect answer or the cleanest narrative.

I’d make room for change, contradiction, and context because that’s what it means to be real.

If I were a brand right now, I’d lead from the inside, not the script. I’d remember that trust is not built through flawless messaging but through consistent, honest behavior over time.

I wouldn’t pretend to be human. I’d be human. Not because it’s trendy.
Because it’s true.


The Future is “Living Brands”