It's A Mobile, Mobile World - Part 1
I wanted to share some learning, case studies and insights from my recent attendance at the SM2 Innovation Summit presented by the Mobile Marketing Association here in New York. As you may already know the world is mobile and clients are asking for more and more ideas that make mobile a central piece of the campaign, not just an add-on but a core concept.
Current State of Mobile in Numbers:
7 billion people in the world / 7.1 billion mobile phones
We check our mobile phones over 100 times per day
80% of Facebook users access through mobile at least 14x a day
66% of people multi-task on mobile while they watch TV
Key Takeaways
- Almost every presenter spoke about creating unique personal USEFUL one-on-one "Experiences". The term "Experiences" was the buzzword of the conference.
- They also spoke about "The Mobile Mind Shift" - The expectation that I can get what I want when I want in my immediate context and moment of need. This is why marketers need to capitalize on "Mobile Moments" - A mobile moment is a point in time and space when someone pulls out a mobile device to get what they want in their immediate context.
- "Not all brands are high-touch, but all must strive to be." - This simply means that everything you do as a marketer should strive to be mobile and allow people to use their device to connect personally with your brand.
Case Study Inspiration
- Instagram - Mercedes Benz uses Insta to promote its new GLA models to reach a younger audience. They started off with its #ThingsOrganizedNeatly theme, encouraging users to post photos of items organized in neat and effective ways. A custom mat in the shape of the cargo area of the GLA was provided. Second theme #GLAPacked asked users a simple question: What would you pack in your GLA?
Some cool images and more:
More to follow!