It's A Mobile, Mobile World - Part 2
Snapchat Valued at $10 Billion After Raising $20 Million From Top VC
Users numbered at 100 million and less than half of Snapchat's users are in the U.S. - But still no advertising on the app—yet - McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Nasty Gal and Manchester United as brands that are nailing it on Snapchat. Manchester United’s use of the social video app is noteworthy in that the sports team gave away tickets through a series of pictures showing the tickets hidden around statues. Once someone found the tickets, a picture was sent out showing the winner.
Anzac Australia - A powerful and simple way to ask Australians to pay for a minute of silence on their phone to support Veterans. Watch this video!
Nivea Sun Products - The Protection Ad - Watch this Cannes Winner in Mobile it's quite amazing and shows you how to connect all the dots on print and mobile working together.